Day 7 – 30-Day No Junk Food Challenge

Day 7 has arrived! I made it through an entire week without chips, ice cream, or cookies! I’m starting to feel the positive effects of this challenge. I feel less bloated, increased energy, and improved sleep.

Today I slightly deviated from my rules; I ate until a bit past 9pm because I had dinner at a restaurant for my friend’s birthday. But it’s not a big deal, it wasn’t too far past my 8:30 deadline and I didn’t eat anything afterwards.

Anyway, time to go to sleep. Day 8 tomorrow!

Food diary (Day 7):

Breakfast: Peanut butter and raspberry jam sandwich. Coffee.

Lunch: Smoked salmon with capers and cheese on whole wheat sourdough bread.

Break: Watermelon, bran flakes with blueberries and almonds. Iced coffee.

Dinner: Rigatoni with bolognese sauce

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